Terms of Service
Thank you for using BalanState. This Terms of Service (the "Contract") will explain what rights you have with respect to the images and other assets that you may generate through this Service, or will prompt you to ask about other important topics, such as whether you can join this Service (the " Asset"), your use of the Service, and mediation. Read carefully. Our Privacy Policy describes how to process your data here.
This Agreement is entered into by BalanState and any company or individual ("Customer", "Customer" or "Customer") who agrees to this Agreement and controls the Customer's access and use of this Service.
This Agreement is valid when the Customer presents this Agreement and proceeds with the use of the Service ("Effective Date") or the receipt or distribution of the Asset. The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be renewed from time to time and re-presented to the Customer. Continuing to use this Service shall be deemed to be acceptance of the updated terms and conditions. If you do not agree to this Agreement, please discontinue the use of this Service.
Other documents mentioned here may also constrain the use of the customer's services, including the Subscription Plan page and the Community Guidelines below.